
Pre-Marital Screen

Especially designed to rule out common genetic (e.g. Thalassemia Trait) and Infective disorders ( HIV, Hepatitis B, Sexual diseases) before marriage. Both partners need to be tested.
  • It includes- CBC, PS, ESR, Blood Sugar-F or Random, Blood Group, HIV 1&2, Hepatitis B &
  • VDRL: To screen for Syphilis and related conditions.
  • Hb Chromatography (HPLC): To rule out Thalassemia trait

Anaemia Profile

This profile helps to rule out anaemia (Low Hb), especially Iron Deficiency.
  • It includes: CBC PS ESR, Reticulocyte count, Protein, Albumin, Iron studies, Ferritin

Anaemia Profile- Complete

This profile helps to find out most of the causes of common types of Anaemia.
  • It includes: Anaemia Profile, TSH, Vitamin B12, Folate, Hb HPLC, Stool RE & Occult blood
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Note: Charges are subject to change without notice.