
Bone Strength Profile

Especially designed to rule out bone weakness & Vit D deficiency which is very common in India.
  • It includes- Vitamin D, Calcium-Total, Inorganic Phosphorus & Alkaline Phosphatse

Cancer Screen- Male

This package has been designed to screen common cancers in males. It includes-
  • CBC, PS, ESR: General tests. To rule out Leukaemia (Blood cancers)
  • AFP (Alfa Feto Protein): Helps in diagnosis/monitor of certain cancers such as Liver, Testis etc.
  • CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen): Its abnormal level may be a sign of cancer, such as Bowel, Breast, Thyroid, Lung, Liver, Pancreas, Bladder etc.
  • CA 19.9: Its abnormal levels may be a sign of cancer, such as Pancreas, Bowel
  • PSA Profile: Abnormal levels of Total & Free PSA may be a sign of Prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer in males. Ratio of Free & Total PSA may help in determine risk of prostate cancer.

Cancer Screen- Female

Cancer Screen- Female
  • CBC, PS, ESR: General tests. To rule out Leukaemia (Blood cancers)
  • AFP (Alfa Feto Protein): Helps in diagnosis/monitor of certain cancers such as Liver, Ovary etc.
  • CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen): Its abnormal level may be a sign of cancer, such as Bowel, Breast, Thyroid, Lung, Liver, Pancreas, Bladder etc.
  • CA 19.9: Its abnormal levels may be a sign of cancer, such as Pancreas, Bowel
  • CA 125: Mainly used to help diagnose & monitor Ovary cancer. Also for other cancers of Fallopian tubes or Peritoneum
  • CA 15.3: Mainly used to help diagnose & monitor Breast cancer. Also for other cancers of Lung & Ovary
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Note: Charges are subject to change without notice.